The organisers of the European Biomass Conference and Exhibition (EUBCE), ETA-Florence Renewable Energies and WIP Munich, have announced that Denmark has been selected to host the 26th EUBCE that will take place 14–18 May 2018. Apart from the core conference, the event will also include technical visits to sites with full-scale biomass utilisation.
According to a statement, biomass utilisation for a multitude of products continues to grow in the rapidly developing bioeconomy. At the 25th EUBCE, held last June in Stockholm, Sweden, the key question of “the indispensable role of biomass” was at the centre of key political, industrial and scientific discussions during the event. However, this growth brings many new challenges with the scaling up of existing technologies and the emergence of new ones that benefit from new innovations.
The core of the traditional EUBCE conference and exhibition will be held in the Danish capital Copenhagen over four days but there will be an extension with technical visits in order to showcase the many achievements in the field of full-scale biomass utilisation in Denmark that is an integral and major part of the country becoming fossil-free by 2050.
I am sure that it will be an interesting event and that Denmark will be a good host country with our vast experience with using biomass in the heating system, said Lars Chr. Lilleholt, Danish Minister of Energy, Utilities and Climate in a statement.
Members of the national organising committee will organise special technical visits to sites in the centre of the country where biomass is the key renewable feedstock into processes producing renewable energy, biofuels, biochemicals and biomaterials as well as integrating bioproducts into traditional established fossil-based systems.
The organisers advise that the call for papers has opened with the conference structured around the following main topics:
- Biomass Resources
- Biomass Conversion Technologies for Heating, Cooling and Electricity
- Biomass Conversion Technologies for Fuels, Chemicals and Materials
- Biomass Policies, Markets and Sustainability
- Bioenergy Integration in Energy Systems