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GoBiGas gasification plant up for sale

GoBiGas, Göteborg Energi's biomass gasification demonstration plant to produce bio-syngas (bio-SNG), is looking for a new owner. On April 25 the Board of Directors for Göteborg Energi decided to instruct the company to intensify its efforts to find alternative financing and/or owner for the plant.

Göteborg Energi's Gothenburg Biomass Gasification Project (GoBiGas) is the world’s largest woody biomass gasification demonstration project.
Göteborg Energi’s Gothenburg Biomass Gasification Project (GoBiGas) is the world’s largest woody biomass gasification demonstration project. Göteborg Energi's Gothenburg Biomass Gasification Project (GoBiGas) is the world’s largest woody biomass gasification demonstration project.

The Swedish municipality-owned energy utility Göteborg Energi AB has announced that it is looking for a possible new owner for its 20 MW bio-SNG Gothenburg Biomass Gasification (GoBiGas) demonstration facility in Gothenburg, Sweden.

– The GoBiGas project has led to significant progress in the research field of gasification technology and related production of biogas. When a next step, the establishment of a commercial production facility based on GoBiGas technology, is no longer applicable to us, it is not compatible with Göteborg Energi’s mission to continue financing and conducting extensive research as GoBiGas requires. Therefore we want to intensify our efforts to find alternative funding and/or new owner for GoBiGas, said Elisabeth Undén (MP), Chairman of the Board of Göteborg Energi in a statement.

The Board’s goal is a quick process with a new solution in place at the turn of the year 2017/2018.

– We estimate that GoBiGas has different uses that can be managed and developed in new ways, but that Göteborg Energi is not the optimal owner for this. The interest for GoBiGas is significant both nationally and internationally, and the company will expand broadly to identify potential stakeholders to engage in dialogue. Our hope is to be able to hand over the relay to a new player as soon as possible, said Gunnar Westerling (S), Vice President of Göteborg Energi’s Board of Directors.

– Biogas is part of the solution in the transition to sustainable transport, and Göteborg Energi will continue to produce biogas from waste generated in Gothenburg. The company is also implementing several significant sustainability initiatives now and in the coming years. Among other things, through increased biofuels in district heating production, strong expansion of the loading infrastructure in Gothenburg and a preliminary study of a new cogeneration plant, said Roland Rydin (M), vice chairman of the Göteborg Energi’s Board of Directors.

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