Last year was a super year for European energy policy in general and particularly for bioenergy as the European Commission (EC) laid out several important proposals. This year these proposals will be negotiated in the Council and in the Parliament. This makes the upcoming Nordic Baltic Bioenergy conference in Helsinki, Finland a critical platform for market players and stakeholders, says Dr Harri Laurikka, CEO, The Bioenergy Association of Finland.
At the end of January, the European Parliament kicked off the discussions on the legislation on land-use, land-use change and forestry (“LULUCF”). This is an important legislative file for the bioeconomy sector, as it will determine how the use of wood for different purposes – including for bioenergy – is accounted for in the EU 2030 climate and energy package.
Another important policy file for the bioenergy sector in 2017 is the European Commission proposal for renewable energy directive beyond 2020, which includes a number of critical issues related to bioenergy used in the EU area, such as:
- how can sustainability of biomass be demonstrated?
- how large an emission reduction vis-à-vis fossil fuels is necessary for bioenergy?
- can biofuels be supported in Member states?
- what is an advanced biofuel and are they promoted?
- how is biomass treated in cross-border trade?
The Nordic Baltic Bioenergy Conference that will take place in Helsinki, Finland March 29-31 provides an excellent forum for all market players and stakeholders interested in the Nordic and Baltic countries’ markets and technologies to discuss the policy proposals above and market developments.
In the opening session, we will have Giulio Volpi, DG Energy explaining the commission proposals. Lauri Hetemäki, European Forest Institute (EFI) will present latest research around the hot topic of the year – the carbon neutrality of biomass. Remigijus Lapinskas, World Bioenergy Association (WBA), will expand the perspective beyond EU borders and provide the global perspective. Ilkka Herlin – a well-known business man in Finland as the Chairman of the Board of Cargotec, Baltic Sea Action Group Foundation, Soilfood and now also Qvidja Power – will provide his view on how we should rethink biogas. Finally we will learn from two established companies on how to ensure sustainability of biomass. Kofod Kristensen, DONG Energy and Stefan Wennerström, Fortum will explain their thinking.
In the afternoon, we will hear from Gustav Melin, Swedish Bioenergy Association (SVEBIO) on how to design more clever energy policy and the related benefits. Michael Persson, Dansk Industri (DI) will provide an overview on the bioenergy sector in Denmark and Ben Moxham, Enviva will explain the case for biomass-fired electricity. Finally, we will have a presentation from Didzis Palejs, European Biomass Association (AEBIOM), followed by a panel of Nordic and Baltic policy-makers.
If biomass for energy is your business, then it is high time to get engaged and join your peers in Helsinki at the end of March.
Dr Harri Laurikka, CEO, The Bioenergy Association of Finland