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Morbark expands international dealer network

Morbark has signed new equipment dealership agreements in Canada and Europe expanding existing networks.

morballUS-based size reduction machinery manufacturer Morbark LLC has announced it has signed two new dealerships, in Canada and Benelux (Belgium, Netherlands and Luxembourg) respectively. Based in Edmonton, Alberta Equipment Sales & Service Limited (ESS) is the exclusive Morbark dealer in Alberta handling both tree care and industrial equipment. Founded in 1946, ESS is a private, family-owned business that specializes in heavy equipment sales and is currently one of Canada’s oldest and most established equipment companies.

In Europe Morbark has appointed recycling equipment importer Van Bemmel Machine Import BV as its exclusive dealer for BeneLux (Belgium, Netherlands and Luxembourg). Van Bemmel is part of the Van Laecke Group, along with Van Laecke Machines and Marcom Recycling. As a group the company provides a comprehensive range of recycling machines for wood and stone, earthmoving and excavating machinery, and agricultural machinery.


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