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Port of Aarhus announce DKK 200 million Omni-Terminal expansion

The Danish Port of Aarhus has announced that it is has signed an agreement with Munck Group for the construction of the first phase of its around DKK 200 million (≈EUR 26.9 million) Omni-Terminal expansion investment.

The Port of Aarhus is investing ≈EUR 26.9 million in a Omni-Terminal expansion (photo courtesy Jørgen Weber).
The Port of Aarhus is investing ≈EUR 26.9 million in a Omni-Terminal expansion (photo courtesy Jørgen Weber). The Port of Aarhus is investing ≈EUR 26.9 million in a Omni-Terminal expansion (photo courtesy Jørgen Weber).

The Danish Port of Aarhus has announced that it is has signed an agreement with Munck Marine & Civil Engineering, a subsidiary of Denmark-headed Munck A/S specialised in the construction and renovation of dockland facilities, for the construction of the first phase of its around DKK 200 million (≈EUR 26.9 million) Omni-Terminal expansion investment.

The port, which serves Denmark’s second largest city and hinterland, is already the country’s largest container port. However to cater for increasing demand for bulk cargo including biomass, a strategic decision was made to invest in the country’s “largest and most competitive” biofuels terminal. The first stage of the Omni Terminal will be approximately 135 000 sq.m (13.5 ha) and will also meet a growing demand on storage areas for project cargo and bulk cargoes.

– Whether there is, for example, woodchips, wood pellets or biowaste – or possibly. completely different load types – the terminal will be suitable. We have already experienced great interest from several different types of customers, who can see the potential and are interested in very specific areas of the new terminal, said Jacob Flyvbjerg Christensen, Port Director in a statement.

The Omni Terminal expected to be ready in early 2018.

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