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Dieffenbacher to supply THDF/MDF plant to Placas do Brasil

Luis Soares Cordeiro (centre), Chairman of the Board and his team at the groundbreaking ceremony in June (photo courtesy Diffenbacher).
Luis Soares Cordeiro (centre), Chairman of the Board and his team at the groundbreaking ceremony for the construction of a new THDF/MDF plant that took place in June (photo courtesy Dieffenbacher). Luis Soares Cordeiro (centre), Chairman of the Board and his team at the groundbreaking ceremony in June (photo courtesy Diffenbacher).

Germany headed wood industry technology suppliers Dieffenbacher has announced that it has received an order for a High Density Fibreboard/Medium Density Fibreboard (THDF/MDF) plant from Placas do Brasil, a newly formed Brazilian company in Linhares. The plant is a project initiative of SINDIMOL (Sindicato da Indústria de Madeira e Móveis de Linhares e Norte do Espírito Santo) a regional consortium of 40 companies in the forest and furniture industry. The aim is to establish a cost-effective MDF plant in the region utilising wood from an 18 000 ha forest estate and enable members to become more competitive. The plant will have an annual capacity of 300 000 m³ with start-up scheduled for end of 2017/early 2018. The value of the order, which encompasses the complete process from fibre drying to the finishing line, remains undisclosed. Linhares is home to Brazil’s sixth largest concentration of companies involved in the furniture industry.


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