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HoSt to convert Horst green waste into green heat for bell-pepper greenhouses

In the Netherlands, biomass combustion technology specialists HoSt has announced that it has been awarded the contract to supply and install a 5 MWth HoSt compact biomass boiler, combined with a flue gas condenser, at a greenhouse horticultural business in Horst in the province of North-Limburg.

The HoSt stand at LIGNA 2019 with a model of a typical biomass boiler configuration.
The HoSt stand at LIGNA 2019 with a model of a typical biomass boiler configuration.

According to a statement, the client’s current biomass boiler installation is being replaced with construction expected to start in November of this year and first-fire in January 2020. Shredded pruning waste from necessary pruning maintenance will be used as a resource to produce heat.

The shredded wood waste originates from municipal collected compostable material from the city of Horst and the surrounding hinterland area. The renewable heat will be supplied to two of the client’s bell pepper greenhouses totaling 4.2 hectares (ha), a neighbour’s 2.2 ha bell pepper greenhouse, and to another 1.8 ha neighbouring ivy greenhouse.

Out with the old, in with the new

The HoSt compact boiler will replace the client’s current biomass boiler installation with the new biomass boiler plant to be placed inside the existing boiler house building. The new boiler plant is equipped with extensive flue gas cleaning technology, implemented through urea injection in the furnace. This flue gas cleaning guarantees low nitrogen oxide (NOx), <145/Nm3.

Also included in the scope of supply is a 4 MWth flame tube boiler, a 4.64 MWth furnace with the capacity of 1.83 tonnes per hour of shredded wood, and a multi-cyclone. A major gain for the installation is the use of a flue gas condenser which increases efficiency with 20 percent, which brings the total efficiency to 108 percent and the total capacity to 5 MWth.

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