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PIB to supply clean energy to South Africa and biomass fuels to the Netherlands

Run by the Netherlands Enterprise Agency on behalf of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the new Partners for International Business (PIB) programme 'Solid Biomass Opportunities in South Africa' will take care of the supply of clean energy to South African households, while also supplying biomass fuels to the Netherlands. Through this programme, a cluster of five companies will contribute to the sustainable use of waste wood biomass in South Africa.

Wood pellets
Run by the Netherlands Enterprise Agency on behalf of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the new Partners for International Business (PIB) programme ‘Solid Biomass Opportunities in South Africa’ will take care of the supply of clean energy to South African households, while also supplying biomass fuels such as wood pellets to the Netherlands. Through this programme, a cluster of five companies will contribute to the sustainable use of waste wood biomass in South Africa.

On October 31, 2019, the PIB cluster and the Netherlands Enterprise Agency signed their PIB agreement. As well as providing opportunities for Dutch companies, the deal will increase profitability and contribute to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The PIB programme organises trade missions, matchmaking events, knowledge events and assists businesses with participation in trade fairs. The programme also stimulates the exchange of information between Dutch and South African knowledge institutions. These activities are supported by Holland Branding, in cooperation with the Dutch embassy in Pretoria and the consulate in Cape Town.

Affordable, safe and clean energy

The PIB cluster consists of the following five companies: FinCo Fuel, African Clean Energy, Yilkins, Control Union Certifications B.V. and Futerra Fuels. The coordinator is Partners for Innovation. The cluster will investigate market opportunities in South Africa and increase the Dutch market share.

The PIB programme focusses on the valorisation of waste wood biomass in South Africa. Thus creating market opportunities to provide services, knowledge and research, technologies and products. The deal also enables the Netherlands to buy sustainable biomass products, such as wood pellet.

The aim is to develop business cases for wood pellet factories in South Africa. The pellet factories alone could provide over 1 000 jobs, an increase in SMEs, 750 MW of sustainable energy and a 200 000 tonne reduction in carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions per year. They also provide affordable, clean energy for cooking to around 25 000 households with a low income.

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