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Enviva joins the Sea Cargo Charter for responsible shipping

The world's largest wood pellet producer Enviva Holdings LP (Enviva), has announced that it has joined the Sea Cargo Charter, a cross-industry partnership of over 20 ship charterers that aims to establish a consistent global framework for transparently assessing and disclosing the climate impact of ship chartering operations.

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The Enviva Terminal at the Port of Chesapeake, Virginia (VA), United States (photo courtesy Enviva).

Earlier this year, Enviva announced its goal to become net-zero in its operations by 2030. As part of this commitment, Enviva will track and transparently report its progress in reducing its emissions, including its Scope 3 emissions, those generated as part of its upstream and downstream supply chain, annually.

The company also vowed to work with partners to improve the environmental emissions intensity of its shipping and other transportation logistics. Enviva plans on advocating for the development of new solutions and accelerating its work with stakeholders to bring those solutions to market.

Standardized GHG reporting process

One such solution is the Sea Cargo Charter, which offers a standard greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reporting process that significantly simplifies some of the complexities often associated with reporting.

By joining the Sea Cargo Charter, Enviva will benefit from an industry-established, global baseline that quantitatively assesses and discloses shipping activities in line with the climate goals set by the International Maritime Organization (IMO), the United Nations (UN) agency responsible for regulating shipping.

These goals include the IMO’s ambition for GHG emissions from international shipping to be cut by at least 50 percent by 2050 compared to 2008 levels.

We are delighted to join the Sea Cargo Charter. The commitment to monitor and report our emissions from our vessel chartering activities, and thereby to track our own carbon intensity, is closely aligned with our wider goal to reach net-zero and to be transparent in emissions reporting. A standardized reporting framework is vital for the shipping industry to demonstrate its commitment to reducing GHG emissions, becoming more sustainable, and fighting climate change – core values we share at Enviva, said Gordon Lugsdin, Head of Chartering at Enviva.

The Sea Cargo Charter continues to grow since its inception in October of 2020 when some of the world’s largest vessel charterers launched the initiative to demonstrate their role in promoting responsible environmental behavior and incentivize the decarbonization of international shipping.

Enviva, the world’s largest producer of industrial wood pellets, is the latest signatory to the charter, which includes major players in the energy, agriculture, and mining industries.

I am delighted to welcome Enviva to the Sea Cargo Charter. Together, we commit to transparent and consistent reporting of greenhouse gas emissions to promote shipping’s green transition, said Jan Dieleman, President, Cargill Ocean Transportation and Chair of the Sea Cargo Charter Association.

The Charter is intended to evolve over time as the IMO adjusts its policies and regulations to address new and emerging environmental and social concerns.

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