For the first time ever, renewable jet and diesel fuels that meet petroleum fuel specifications without blending will be certified for use as 100 percent drop-in fuels. Applied Research Associates Inc., (ARA) has delivered over 150 000 (US) gallons (≈ 568 000 litres) of 100 percent drop-in jet and diesel fuel to the US Navy as part of a certification fuel contract, two months ahead of schedule.
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The US Navy is performing certification testing on neat, unblended “ReadiJet” and “ReadiDiesel” which will result in new military specifications. When the MILSPEC certification is complete, ReadiJet and ReadiDiesel will be the only 100 percent renewable fuels certified by the US Department of Defense (DoD).
ReadiJet is also being certified for civil and commercial use through the American Society for Testing and Materials(ASTM).
We are proud to partner with the US Navy to test and certify our 100 percent drop-in fuels, providing renewable fuels that contribute to energy security for our armed forces, said Rob Sues, CEO of ARA.
Patented process
The renewable jet and diesel fuels are made using ARA’s and Chevron Lummus Global LLC (GLC), a joint venture between Chevron U.S.A Inc., and Chicago Bridge & Iron Company (Cb&I) “Biofuels ISOCONVERSION” process which converts any renewable fat, oil, or grease (FOG) into high yields of 100 percent drop-in, pure hydrocarbon fuels.
ARA and CLG developed their process based on ARA’s patented Catalytic Hydrothermolysis process and CLG’s market-leading hydro-processing technology. The process converts any non-edible oil directly into renewable, aromatic, drop-in fuels known as ReadiJet and ReadiDiesel, ready to use neat, without blending, in turbine and diesel engines.
Tested and proven
On October 29, 2012, the National Research Council Canada (NRC) flight-tested ReadiJet using their Falcon 20 aircraft in the world’s first-ever 100 percent drop-in renewable jet fuel flight. The flight demonstrated more than 50 percent reduction in particle emissions while obtaining a 1.5 percent reduction in specific fuel consumption compared to petroleum-derived jet fuel.
ReadiJet gives more miles per gallon than petroleum-based fuel and a lot more miles per gallon than other renewable fuels. This means a longer range for aircraft flying.
The first-ever 100 percent renewable fuel flight with jet fuel that meets petroleum specifications without blending was historic. The process and emissions data showed that ReadiJet reduces carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions by 80 percent compared to petroleum jet fuel and will contribute to a cleaner environment with significantly lower aerosol, particle, and black carbon emissions, stated Chuck Red, ARA’s Vice President of Fuels Development.
The NRC test flight was listed as one of the Top 25 scientific achievements of 2012 in Popular Science Magazine’s January 2013 Edition. ReadiJet also received the 2012 Best New Fuel Award from Biofuels Digest.
Full speed ahead
ARA and CLG are currently engineering the first commercial-scale refinery for its licensee, UrbanX Renewables Group. The multi-phase 5 000 barrel-per-day (bpd) refinery will be located in Southern California and will produce renewable diesel, jet, and naphtha from ultra-low carbon intensity waste oil feedstocks.
We are now a few steps closer to our goal of commercial-scale production of 100 percent drop-in diesel and jet fuel from waste oils at prices competitive with their petroleum counterparts, ended Chuck Red.