Canadian power-to-liquids (PtL) developers, SAF+ Consortium Inc., (SAF+) has disclosed that it has successfully produced sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) at its pilot facility in Montreal making it one of the first electro-fuel (e-fuel) producers in North America. SAF+ aims to bring to market synthetic kerosene with a carbon footprint reduction of 80 percent compared to fossil kerosene by 2025-2026.
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These first litres of e-fuel represent a historic moment and an important milestone for SAF+. As the airline industry aims to reduce its carbon footprint and reduce kerosene consumption, SAF+ stands out as a pioneer in the field of sustainable aviation fuel in Canada. For us, e-fuel is the way to go in the aviation industry if we want to reduce greenhouse gas emissions substantially, declared Jean Paquin, President, and CEO of the SAF+ Consortium, within the framework of the 27th Montreal Conference presented by the International Economic Forum of the Americas.
The fuel was produced at the SAF+ pilot plant, located at the ParaChem industrial site, east of Montreal. The PtL process consists of producing a synthetic liquid fuel by capturing carbon dioxide (CO2) from industrial sources and combining it with green hydrogen produced in Quebec.
The PtL path is one of the most promising for the decarbonization of sustainable fuels. By using green hydrogen, it accelerates the development of this important energy sector in the years to come, said Alexandru Iordan, Head of Operations for SAF+.
SAF+ Consortium partners include CCG, Airbus, Air Transat, Aéroports de Montréal (ADM), Aéro Montreal, Parachem, École Polytechnique de Montréal, CIRAIG, CEPROCQ and Valorisation Carbone Québec Project. In July 2020, Air Transat committed to buying a “significant portion” of the future SAF production which SAF+ will be producing.
We are very happy to support this structuring initiative for Montreal since the beginning. The Consortium is now taking a first-rate milestone that will lead to a concrete sustainable aviation fuel solution, that we will be the first user of when it goes to market. We strongly believe in the future of SAF because, at present, it is one of the most promising ways to reduce our carbon emissions and we must accelerate its development. We are staying the course on our strong and lasting commitment to minimize our impact on climate change, said Jean-François Lemay, President, and CEO of Air Transat.