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Uno-X Hydrogen awarded funding for four refuelling stations in Norway

Uno-X Hydrogen AS, has been awarded NOK 24 million (≈EUR 2.5 million) in funding support from the Norwegian public enterprise Enova SF, for expanding the Norwegian hydrogen network with four hydrogen fuelling stations.

Uno-X Hydrogen AS, has been awarded NOK 24 million (≈EUR 2.5 million) in funding support from Enova SF, for four new hydrogen fuelling stations. According to Roger Hertzenberg, CEO, Uno-X Hydrogen, the company plans to build 20 hydrogen refuelling stations in Norway by 2020 (photo courtesy Uno-X Hydrogen).

We are very happy to announce that Uno-X Hydrogen has been awarded NOK 24 million from Enova for establishing four additional hydrogen fueling stations in Norway. This will help to ensure an initial network of fueling stations in the south of Norway. The support is also a positive signal from the government recognizing hydrogen as an important zero-emission fuel for the Norwegian transport sector, said Jon André Løkke, CEO of Nel.

Enova SF is a Norwegian public enterprise responsible for the promotion of environmentally friendly production and consumption of energy. In 2017, Enova launched  a support programme to facilitate to establishment of hydrogen infrastructure, as well as support for fleet users to purchase hydrogen vehicles and stations.

Uno-X Hydrogen is grateful for Enova’s support, and hope hydrogen infrastructure will be high on Enova’s agenda in the years to come. After a final internal and external process, we look forward to establish another four hydrogen stations in Norway. Uno-X Hydrogen is a strong believer in hydrogen and fuel cell electric vehicles as the most user-friendly zero-emission solution in Norway. Our goal is to provide the necessary infrastructure – securing our customers several zero emission-alternatives to choose from, and to meet the demand for hydrogen fuel in a convenient way at the lowest possible cost for the consumer, said Roger Hertzenberg, CEO of Uno-X Hydrogen.


About Uno-X Hydrogen

Uno-X Hydrogen AS is a joint venture, owned by Uno-X, Nel and Praxair with 41%, 39% and 20%, share respectively. The joint venture will build a network of hydrogen refueling stations, where fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs) can operate between all the major cities in Norway. The stations will be deployed in cities like Oslo, Bergen, Trondheim, Stavanger, Kristiansand, along with corresponding corridor locations. The target is that FCEVs can drive between the most populated cities in Norway.

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