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Cenergy and Fuluhashi EPO announce 50 MW biomass power project in Handa

Japan-headed power utility Chubu Electric Power Co., Inc., has announced that its Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture affiliate Cenergy Co., will form a joint venture biomass power project with Fuluhashi EPO Corporation, a Chubu area-based recycling operator to build a 50 MW biomass power plant in Handa City, Aichi Prefecture, Japan.

Sweeping with a sleeper – tidying up at a wood waste receiving yard. Sweeping with a sleeper - tidying up at a wood waste receiving yard.

According to a statement, Cenergy and Fuluhashi EPO will form a special purpose entity (SPE) for the project in April 2017. To be called CEPO Handa Biomass Power Generation Co., Inc, the SPE plans to build a 50 MWe biomass plant in Handa City.

The plant will use recycled woodchips from construction and demolition (C&D) wood waste as well as palm kernel shells (PKS). Construction is scheduled to begin in October 2017, and the plant is to start operating in October 2019.

Chubu Electric Power Group will continue developing renewable energy sources.

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