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Nel awarded Estonian hydrogen electrolyser and fueling station contract

Nel Hydrogen Solutions, a division of Norway-headed Nel ASA has received a purchase order for a combined hydrogen PEM electrolyser and H2Station fueling solution for NT Bene in Estonia. "We are pleased to make the first sale of Proton PEM electrolyser combined the Nel H2Station in Europe. This is a compact and competitive solution for H2Stations for heavy-duty vehicles in Europe” says Jacob Krogsgaard Senior Vice-President Nel Hydrogen Solutions.

Enova SF is looking to support up to three hydrogen refuelling stations per annum under the new call.
Nel Hydrogen Solutions has been awarded a contract to supply a hydrogen PEM electrolyser and H2Station fueling to NT Bene in Pärnu, Estonia.

Nel has been leading the push for making competitive hydrogen for heavy duty mobility in Europe and the company says that this project is yet “another proof of the strong synergies” across the Nel Hydrogen group. The H2Station will be installed in the city of Pärnu in Estonia, where it will serve cars and later a fleet of buses and trucks.

The awarded contract has a total value of EUR 4,5 million, with expected delivery and installation during 2019. The project H2Nodes/Infrastructure in Pärnu is co-financed by the European Union’s Connecting Europe Facility.

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