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Mälarenergi supplies first biomass-power to grid from new block 7 CHP unit

In Sweden, municipal energy utility Mälarenergi AB has announced that it has supplied the first power-to-grid from its new biomass-fired block 7 combined heat and power (CHP) unit at its energy complex in Västerås.

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In Sweden, municipal energy utility Mälarenergi AB has announced that it has supplied the first power-to-grid from its new biomass-fired block 7 combined heat and power (CHP) unit at its energy complex in Västerås (photo courtesy Mälarenergi).

According to a statement, on December 29, 2019, 55 MW electricity generation was phased onto the power grid from Mälarenergi’s new block 7 combined heat and power (CHP) unit. This means that in addition to heating, the plant now also supplies electricity, based on biomass, to its customers.

This is another important milestone in Mälarenergi’s sustainability work and a major step for the project. This means that the project is keeping to its schedule and that we can put the use of coal and oil behind us as planned. In keeping with tradition whereby the turbine and generator are named according to the name days on the date of first commissioning, we now welcome “Natalie”, as the turbine will now be called, as an important part of the Mälarenergy family, the statement said.

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