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PowerCell Sweden receives EUR 2.4 million order from Bosch

Hydrogen fuel cell technology developers PowerCell Sweden AB has announced that it has received an order for PowerCell S3 fuel cell stacks from automotive technology supplier Robert Bosch GmbH (Bosch) valued at EUR 2.4 million. The order will be delivered continuously during 2020.

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According to a statement, the order comprises several PowerCell S3 fuel cell stacks to be delivered to Bosch within the framework of the joint development and licensing agreement.

In April 2019, Bosch and PowerCell signed an agreement regarding the development, production, and sale of the PowerCell S3 fuel cell stack for the automotive segment.

The agreement includes joint development of the S3 and a license whereby Bosch gets the exclusive right to produce and sell the new and improved version of PowerCell S3 for automotive applications such as cars, trucks, and buses.

Bosch has previously communicated the ambition to start their own production of PowerCell S3 in 2022 at the latest.

A PowerCell S3 fuel cell stack (image courtesy PowerCell Sweden).
PowerCell Sweden S3 fuel cell (image courtesy PowerCell Sweden).

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